Friday, June 6, 2008

The Search Continues

When it came to getting a job I never knew that it felt like to be denied in such succession. God has certainly showed me what it feels like. It has been quite the humbling and hard experience. I do not fail often so this is a new experience for me and has created quite the struggle in my own life and has caused me to form an even greater dependence upon God. I was feeling pretty down because of it but my time with God really encouraged me this morning.

I have been going through Acts and I am finally coming near its end. I was reading through chapter 27 this morning. Paul was given an explicit promise from God stating "Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar; and God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you." You can read Chapter 27 yourself if you would like more back story but basically this statement means that God promised Paul that he and the men with him would survive this storm and make it Rome. In spite of this promise God did not make their journey to Rome easy, he put up road blocks and struggles for Paul and the men with him. These struggles are stated explicitly in verses 7-9 and 14-15.

To me these verses meant that though I have not received an explicit promise of a job I have received a promise for God to be working me towards my good. (Romans 8:28) Which is my promised destination. Regardless of what I may desire or what I may want God is doing what is best for my eternal life and I need to trust in that. Has that fully happened yet, no, but it is a process and will be an on going process for the rest of my life.

Other than the job search everything is awesome. I feel like I have known pretty much everyone here for years already though it has only been a week. We had our first bible study last night and it was awesome. We were going through John 15:1-11. That verse is jam packed, check it out. It was sweet just to get solid time with my group. Those times will be cherished above all others when the summer is looked back upon.

There are people hanging out downstairs and there is also a Jazz Festival downtown I might check out later.

We will be working with Burlington Street ministries tonight. Basically just meeting people on the street and just forming relationships. Not necessarily going straight to sharing the Gospel.

Prayer List
- Continue to pray for a job for others as well as myself. ( Other people still need jobs and are feeling the effects of not having one as well)
- That we would be able to truely love the people downtown that we are interacting with
-For my team: Dennis(team leader), Phil, Brian, Dave(room mate)


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